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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012


Jadi statusnya sekarang gue udah mahasiswa ya. Harusnya seneng dong, ya tapi ini malah jadi susah banget buat ngikutinnya. Semuanya harus mandii, apa-apa sendiri. Pusing emang kalo biasanya lo tuh berlindung di ketek nyokap lo doang. Nah gue nih salah satunya. Hidup sendiri tuh ya ga sekeren yang dibayangin. Ya intinya sih menurut gue bakal sering homesick. Ya kan dimana2 tuh rumah udah terpewe sejagat raya deh!
Tapi ya nggak guna juga sih ngeluh-ngeluh kayak gini, yang milih siapa coba?? Ya gue kaaan -_- terus udah dapet yang dimau malah begini sekarang. Ini huftness banget jadi diri gue. Tapi gue tuh kadang-kadang ngerasa jadi butiran debu banget. Di saat orang-orang idah lari cepet, eh gue masih aja merangkak. Di saat orang-orang udah naik kereta, gue masih ngejar. Nah sedihlah pokoknya.
Nggg udah deh sesi curhat-curhat gembelnya.

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Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Come Back!

Okelah ini gue nyobai mulai lagi nulis di blog ini, ga pernah serius sih emang tapi sekarang jugamau iseng-iseng aja hehehe. Ngomongin apa dulu ya... Yaudahlah intinya harapan dari masih bocah dulu akhirnya sekarang terwujud. jujur gue seneng banget alhamdulillah banget bersyukur banget dapet jurusan kuliah yang sangat dimau-mau banget-banget tak terkira (iya ini emang lebay tapi beneran). Siapa yang ga mau kuliah pake jaket almamater bergengsi yang common dibilang yellow jacket. Nah yaudah gue udah resmi deh jadi mahasiswi sana, eh belom resmi sih orang belom ospek hehe. Diterima di fkg ptn apalagi ui itu adalah anugerah terindah banget saat ini buat gue. Tapi gatau sih kedepannya gue takut ga sanggup jalaninnya, takut bosen, takut capek, takut sedih, takut galau, takut gundah, takut apapun. tapi semoga aja deh ya situasi di sana bener-bener ngedukung gue buat gampang ngejalaninnya (bingung ya maksudnya? sama gue juga bingung hehe).

Tapi intinya, ya kita harus bersyukur aja sama apa yang udah didapet, bersyukur karena Tuhan udah mau dengerin doa kita, orang tua yang udah selalu support lo gimanapun kondisinya, temen-temen lo yang selalu ada di saat lo sedih maupun seneng (aseek) ya pokoknya bersyukur deh. Nah buat temen-temen yang belom beruntung ya kayak misalnya masih belom tenang karena belom keterima di tempat kuliah yang dimau mungkin Tuhan punya rencana lain yang lebih keren buat lo. Mungkin Tuhan jawab doa dan permohonan gue karena gue ga sekuat lo, gue bakalan ancur gatau lagi kayak apa bentuknya kalo misalkan gue di posisi kalian. Percaya aja yang penting, kalo kata orang-orang sih semua bakal indah pada waktunya :-).

Segini aja dulu deh, see ya di waktu iseng-iseng yang akan datang hehehe.

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Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

English Assignment 5 - Last Holiday

Hola mis amigos!
School time has already come. And starting from last Monday,
all of the students in my school has had to live in the dorms.
New regulations are made even more strict and disciplined,
which we all can go home only once a month.
Last holiday, I spent a lot of time at home. I just went to
the mall and watch some movies, continued my painting,
read comics, or even just spent time to become a 'sleeping beauty'
in my own room. Although I only stayed at home, I did not feel bored. Because of my daddy had given the game 'The Sims' to be installed on my laptop. hahahaa.
I also really enjoy watching television because as you know that the dorm there was no television.
I also hang out with some friends from my junior high school and stayed for 2 days to watched the 'Beatles' Night' in Bia's house. Who participated in the night was, Icha, Silmi, Bia, Karnia, Krisan, and also me. There we sang while dancing along accompanied by The Beatles's songs. I felt very happy because after the show finished about 1 o'clock in the morning, I stayed at Bia's house. We chat, told some jokes, played some games and many more. I was really really happy at that time.

Before the day of study reports in last semester is distributed, I went
to Dufan to have fun with my dorm's friends. There we tried almost
all vehicles. But the most exciting was 'Rafting'. On the raft's boat,
I got a miracle three times in a row! I did not get wet at all. My friends
were jealous with me, then on the fourth time, all of my friends threw the
water at me. Then my body was wet all over.

On the night of the last new year , I did not do anything memorable. I just
go to dinner with my family in a restaurant, then returned home.
You know what? I slept at 11 o'clock on the last new year's night! It means
that I slept for a year and missed the changed of the turn of the year.
However, I did not forget to pray for the good expectations in this new year.
Although, after entering the beginning of a new year, I always thought about how the new dormitory rules and I was still familiar with this holiday lifestyle such as woke up late, relax, and everything that smells of laziness and have fun.

Okay, I think for my last holidays was not too exciting. But there were a positive
thing that I enjoyed, namely: "my sleep time in the dormitory
during the last semester has been paid off!"

See you at my next post!

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Jumat, 27 November 2009

English Assignment 4 - Descriptive


Have you ever read this comic? Right, the title is 'Hi Miiko'.

The author is Ono Eriko. The title of this comic at the first time was 'Namaku Miiko' and then changed to 'Hai Miiko'. Then developed with various versions, such as the 'Best Story of Miiko', and also 'Miiko edo era'. 

Miiko has a brother named Mamoru. Her mother works as a manga editor for Ocia and her father is a private employee. Since both parents work, Miiko and Mamoru share responsibilities with their house. But usually, Mamoru will take the responsibility to do all the things since Miiko is the typical laid back older sister. Beside that, you will see that Miiko loves her family so much.

At school, It is funny to read and laugh at how Miiko and Tappei’s relationship is going. In addition there are also other couple, such as Kenta and Yukko. Tappei is easily annoyed whenever Miiko hangs out with YOSHIDA.

At home, their bedroom becomes a problem for Mamoru and Miiko. Both share in the same room.

This comic also talks about friendship and family. Miiko and Mari have many differences, but Yukko is always there to make them think clearly, also when Yukko is confused and can not make up any decision and her two best friends help her. 

I think the picture is cute and simple, but the story runs deep into our heart.

This comic can be read by all ages. Funny story, easy to understand by the readers.

The characters are : 

1. Yamada Miiko : spirited child, innocent, short, cute, honest, and I think she likes Tappei

2. Eguchi Tappei : a cool boy, seems do not care about Miiko, but in fact he also likes Miiko

3. Shimura Mari : bestfriend of Miiko and Yukko, she likes create comic

4. Ogawa Yuuko : really calm, sweet, and girlfriend of Kenta. between Mari and Miiko, yukko is the highest.

5. Yamada Mamoru : Miiko's brother. He already has a girlfriend. her name is Yuka

6. Yoshida Ikuya : the oposite of Tappei, he is a very shy boy. But he really likes Miiko

I recomend you to read this, this will entertain you.

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Sabtu, 21 November 2009

English Assignment 3 - Unforgettable moment

Hello again readers! This is the third posting to the task of learning English. The subject is about unforgettable moment during study in MHT. Students in the dorm always give a surprise to students who were celebrating his birthday.
The surprises can be a pleasant surprise or not. We usually try to make him/her cry. So also on my birthday last August. This time, I'll tell you about what kind of surprises my friends gave to me.

Morning of 28 August 2009,

Since getting out of bed until Iate breakfast, no one said happy birthday to me. I deliberately did not tell them. We chatted as usual, and then went to school. Actually, Iwas still waiting for the words "happy birthday" to me. 

Noon on the same day,

My mother brought donuts, YEAY!!  I feel so happy. Finally I returned to school to learn 'IMTAQ'. Still very few people who said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".

In the evening,

We break the fast together, and ECI brings donuts for us. Finally all say happy birthday to me. Then, we prayed Maghrib together, and returned to the dorm for dinner.

After we finished eat dinner, we did our activities as usual. Fio, Selma, Putri, and I did the homework together in Fio's room. At that time, Fio ordered me to meet Ayu because she looked for her room's key. I went downstair and called Ayu to tell that the key was not exist at me. But ayu did not answer me. Then, I came back to Fio's room, but the room was locked! And Fio and the others did not answer me too. I try to knocked every doors, they still did not answer. Finally, I stayed in an empty rooms which is located beside Fio's room. I felt sonscared, and tapping the wall to be heard by the people in the next room. After a few minutes no one was looking, I tried to walk around the dorm to make sure where the people actually.

I have tried sat on the stairs for a moment, and finally looked Gita was running to somewhere. I tried to chased her, but when I arrived in front of Michelle's room, all of my friends were singing Happy birthday to me. I felt very shock and also happy. They gave me a special present, and this is that special present :

                                                        There was a picture of me on it.

I felt happy after got that gift.THANK YOU TO ALL MY FRIENDS! Nothing could be memorable for my birthday if all of you were not there.

Ok, enough for today. I'll see you next week.

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Sabtu, 14 November 2009

English Assignment part 1 - Dormitory life

I've lived in the dorm since 4 months ago. My room's number is 207. My roommate is Ayu Fatmawati from X-1.

Ayu and I had promised to tidy up the room alternately, like sweeping, or mopping. But our room more often seen apart. and before we left on Saturday, we are always tidy rooms.

And this is the room number 207:

That's the room.
There are many things that we can do in a dorm, such as study together, play together, eat together, even sleep together. Sometimes, I sleep in lindy and putri's room, and also Ayu, Selma, Haniyyah. Putri and Lindy's room is the best room to study together. After we study we can play the piano, or play other games that we made. You know what? several of us have talked during they sleep including me about the lessons that we study (in Indonesian it called "ngigau")

When one of us were celebrating birthdays, we always give a surprise to her/him. for example, when my birthday, all of the rooms were locked, as a result I could not enter into any room. for a few minutes I was alone in the outside and knocked to the door, but no answer. And then it all of my friends were out including 'bunda Eci' (the women who always take care of us and monitor our activities in the dormitory) singing happy birthday. I think it was the happiest moment.

I think living in the dormitory isn't as bad as we imagine. I feel happy living in the dormitory.

So, for my friends who have not lived in the dorms, do not think the negative, the good side also.

Okay enough for now, I'm going to study for biology exam on Monday. Talk to you later!

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Sabtu, 07 November 2009

English Assignment part 1 - Daily school life

My school is in smanu mh. Thamrin. I am the first generation there. All students are living in dormitory . The method of learning in my school is different from the other school. One day focused for one lesson.

Ok, enough for the introduction. For about 4 months I studied there until now, many sad experiences, happy, or suffer because of the difficulty of being a senior high school student. I think many people who said that being a senior high school students is the most exciting thing is a LIE because in fact, not at all.
From time to time I began to realize myself, I should not be LAZY. Yes, I have to fight!

My school days is filled with a variety of activities, such as play, study, eat at the break, to discuss the tasks, pray together, and many more that cannot be mentioned again.

The schedules:

Monday is the biology lesson with miss Maya and Miss Suharti, and lately every week there is a test.

Tuesday is the lessons that we usually call the soft sciences. Before we do study, we usually practice Jujitsu.

Wednesday is chemistry time, in the afternoon we take an extra “Gambang Kromong”.

Thursday is physic with Mr. Hartono and at the end of the school time is music lesson.

Friday is Jujitsu and also soft science.

And the last day is Math. I love Saturday because I’m gonna back home.

okay enough for now, Talk to you later!

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