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Sabtu, 14 November 2009

English Assignment part 1 - Dormitory life

I've lived in the dorm since 4 months ago. My room's number is 207. My roommate is Ayu Fatmawati from X-1.

Ayu and I had promised to tidy up the room alternately, like sweeping, or mopping. But our room more often seen apart. and before we left on Saturday, we are always tidy rooms.

And this is the room number 207:

That's the room.
There are many things that we can do in a dorm, such as study together, play together, eat together, even sleep together. Sometimes, I sleep in lindy and putri's room, and also Ayu, Selma, Haniyyah. Putri and Lindy's room is the best room to study together. After we study we can play the piano, or play other games that we made. You know what? several of us have talked during they sleep including me about the lessons that we study (in Indonesian it called "ngigau")

When one of us were celebrating birthdays, we always give a surprise to her/him. for example, when my birthday, all of the rooms were locked, as a result I could not enter into any room. for a few minutes I was alone in the outside and knocked to the door, but no answer. And then it all of my friends were out including 'bunda Eci' (the women who always take care of us and monitor our activities in the dormitory) singing happy birthday. I think it was the happiest moment.

I think living in the dormitory isn't as bad as we imagine. I feel happy living in the dormitory.

So, for my friends who have not lived in the dorms, do not think the negative, the good side also.

Okay enough for now, I'm going to study for biology exam on Monday. Talk to you later!

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